As a product of COSMIC research, three spin-off companies have been founded to transfer advanced academic research and technologies into industrial and commercial realities.
ARTYS (D. Caviglia, A. Delucchi, A. Caridi, C. Montecucco, G. Parodi, A. Randazzo) is an innovative startup, spin-off of the University of Genoa which deals with advanced nowcasting system development, production and marketing. Its solutions are relevant for environmental risk management, urban mobility management, citizen safety and business safeguard.
INSYDE (D. Grosso, L. Noli, M.Valle) has recently spun off from the University of Genoa. The company can leverage a long and successful working history with leading players in the semiconductor industry such as Cadence, STMicroelectronics, Intel and others. Professional skills and working experience include electronic and microelectronic products design and development with the main focus being in ASIC, FPGA and SoC design and verification.
SMART TRACK (S. Pagano, S. Peirani, M. Valle) has a consolidated know-how in the development of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), wireless communication systems and electronic systems. In particular, a Real-Time Localisation System (RLTS) using WSN has been developed and a patent on the RTLS and the algorithm has been filed.