Master - Employment of a sensorized prosthesis to transmit tactile information from the artificial skin to the human brain.

Providing somatosensory feedback from a prosthesis back to the user would improve the prosthesis perception capability, fostering functionalities/control and facilitating the embodiment (the amputees may have the impression that the “feeling” prosthesis is a part of their own body). This would substantially improve the quality of life of amputees.

Advanced tactile sensors (artificial skin) developed in the COSMIC LAB will be integrated into a prosthesis to allow distributed tactile sensing and transmission of this information to the prosthesis user. Scope of this thesis is to conduct experiments that test what the best methods for the communication between the artificial skin and the human brain are. This activity will be developed in collaboration with the Institute of Neurorehabilitation Systems of the University Medical Center Göttingen (Göttingen, Germany).

MATLAB basic knowledge is required.

Keywords: Artificial Skin, Human-Electronics Interface, Prosthetics



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