(Master Degree in Electronic Engineering, 5 credits)
Prof. Valle
- Technology and Circuit track
- Register Transfer Level: basics
- Flip-Flop and Latches circuit design
- Power consumption in CMOS
- Timing and timing analysis (basics)
- Interconnect and interconnect modeling
- Array subsystems and FPGA
- Metastability
- Synchronizer and pipeline design
- Design methodologies (basics) and design economics (e.g. NRE etc.)
- VHDL design meth track
- Overview of Hardware Description Languages
- Basic Language Constructs
- Concurrent Signal Assignment Statements
- Sequential Statements
- Synthesis of VHDL Code
- Sequential Circuit Design
- Finite State Machine: Principle and Practice
- Register Transfer Design/Synthesis Methodology
- Control and Data Paths: basics (i.e. FSMD)